Fee Rates
Traders are divided into market takers and market makers. Whenever an order is filled, a transaction fee is generated.
Market takers are traders who find liquidity and immediately take liquidity. They are subject to Taker fees.
Market makers provide liquidity and increase the depth of the order book. They are subject to Maker fees.
The fees are deducted from the frozen margin but do not affect the initial margin of the order.
Traders can view the transaction fees generated in their trading history.
Note: The following rates apply to all non-VIP users. For more details about VIP rates, please refer to the MUFEX tiered fee structure, coming soon. Fee Structure:
Taker Fee Rate
Maker Fee Rate
Fee = Position Value Γ Fee Rate
Position Value = Position Quantity Γ Execution Price
Here's an example:
Trader A places a market order to buy 10 BTC contracts.
Trader B places a limited order to sell 10 BTC contracts.
Assuming the execution price is 18,000 USDT:
Taker Fee for Trader A = 10 Γ 18000 Γ 0.06% = 108 USDT
Maker Fee for Trader B = 10 Γ 18000 Γ 0.03% = 54 USDT
Therefore, upon order execution, Trader A will pay a Taker fee of 108 USDT, and Trader B will pay a Maker fee of 54 USDT.
Last updated